Love widens lead over McAdams, but race still very tight

Love widens lead over McAdams, but race still very tight

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah Republican Rep. Mia Love has widened her lead over Democratic challenger Ben McAdams, but the percentage of votes she picked up in her stronghold county dipped slightly as the race remained close to recount zone.

Results of new votes released Monday morning by Utah County show Love now leads McAdams by 1,516 votes in a race where a total of nearly 261,000 ballots have been counted.

Love’s lead over the Democratic Salt Lake County mayor is at 0.58 percent. Under Utah law, a candidate can request a recount if the margin is 0.25 percent or tighter.

The more Democratic-leaning Salt Lake County scheduled to release more votes Monday afternoon. McAdams leads there with 54 percent of the votes so far.

The vote canvass is Tuesday.